My Choice of Art
What Could Be The Best Art Activities To Implement ? Crayon The art medium "crayons" is a very common materials that is being use in school especially by children. Even children who are not schooling yet are using this material for their their plays, games and fun activities. One of the famous and familiar brand of crayons is the "Crayola" that comes with different variety from small to jumbo sizes and from 8 crayons in a box to 120 pieces of crayons in a pack. This material is inexpensive allowing everyone to be able to afford it. It may be inexpensive but it doesn't compromise the quality for it can still produce aesthetically pleasing artwork. Activities using crayons is suitable for learners because it will not only develop their creativity but it will also enhance their fine motor skills. One of the best art activities under the medium crayon is the "Crayon Etching". Etching The art technique etching can also be considered as engraving. O...